How To

Ready To Quit Tobacco For Good in 2023?

How often have you told yourself I can quit your tobacco habit anytime? Now here is the real question. Have you TRIED to Quit Tobacco???

How often do you hear your friends or yourself who use tobacco complain about how smoking or dipping sucks and talk about quitting. I used to be one of those people. However, many people won’t stop simply because they don’t know how to quit their tobacco habit. Putting a cigarette or snuff down isn’t nearly as easy as picking it up, but for every heart-wrenching story of the effects of long-term tobacco use. Finally, there is a story of hope that you or your loved one can quit. You can begin the journey of your account today with these great tips for stopping your tobacco habit – once and for all!!!

Destroy the Pack or Dump The Can

Upon making your decision to quit, most tobacco users want to finish that last cigarette or last dip of snuff and then vow not to purchase another pack or can. Myself, I did that multiple times before I finally gave it up. Yet, there is an overwhelming feeling of wanting to smoke or take another dip when you decide to make that decision. So, destroy the pack and every cigarette left within it and dump out the remaining contents of your dip can. Throw all your tobacco, spit cans, and ashtrays in the trash. Then, enjoy being free from your tobacco chains, even though that feeling will only last for a few minutes until that urge kicks back up and slaps you in the face. That is why I never said this was going to be easy.

Seek Support

If you keep your decision to quit your tobacco habit to yourself, you will probably fail. So, please don’t be greedy and support your decision to leave it all to yourself. Many people in your life likely want that for you and would be willing to encourage you to stop for good. In addition, some people you may not know could play an essential role in your quitting process and show you how to quit and keep it that way. Seek out support groups, immerse yourself in things you enjoy, and talk to your doctor about maintaining your healthy lifestyle to succeed. Please don’t forget to see your doctor for a healthy lifestyle because you will probably gain weight if you don’t.

Stay Openly Minded

A minimal number of people can quit tobacco use cold turkey. Still, many people require the help of support groups, whether online or local, and medications in the form of patches, pills, chewing gums, sprays, and herbal snuff. Some individuals even seek alternative methods, like hypnosis. DON’T LET YOUR PRIDE get in the way of you quitting. Be open to trying different approaches to see which works best for you. For example, I used nicotine gum and mixed it with regular gum to give it a full feeling. Then I weaned myself off the nicotine gum and just chewed regular gum.

Stick To Your Decision

If you are serious about quitting your tobacco habit, you must constantly remind yourself that you are. Stick to the reality of your decision daily by using simple sayings when the urge to smoke or dip occurs. Write them down on paper or text them on your cell phone. Memorize them or keep them in a wallet so you can repeat them yourself when you are not home. For example, “I have to quit for just one more day,” or a similar phrase will do as long as you remember it.

Don’t Set Yourself Up To Fail

Most tobacco users quit numerous times before leaving for good. Why, you ask? Because they get overwhelmed by the urges and often haven’t set themselves up for success. Don’t try to convince yourself that you can be around smokers and not smoke or that smoking low-nicotine versions of cigarettes or a lesser number of cigarettes than usual will help you to quit altogether. Don’t hang out in areas where people are smoking or dipping. Wait inside for friends to take a smoke break; never allow people to smoke in your house. Ensure you avoid puffing any number or kind of cigarettes or getting just a tiny pinch of snuff. Make sure you embrace a healthier lifestyle where you nourish your body with nutritious foods and exercise regularly.

Remind Yourself

Don’t just remind yourself that you are quitting tobacco. Remember why you want to leave. Do you want to be a better role model for your wife and kids? To better your health and stop wasting money you could put in the bank and use for other things? Write down your reasons on a post-it note and stick it on the bathroom mirror for a constant reminder of why you are stopping your tobacco habit.

Saves You Money In The Long Run

Looking at the money side of quitting your tobacco habit, you won’t see much difference at first. The reason why I say that is because of the money you will fork out on Nicotine Replacements to help with the urges that you will have. So your savings will be minimal, like a dollar or two daily. However, that is why I say it will save you in the long run because once you get off the Nicotine Replacements, you will see HUGE money savings.

Reward Yourself

When it comes to staying tobacco-free, you need to ensure you can see your savings. So with some of your money savings, take the family to a theme park. Another great thing to do would be to go on a cruise(BTW, those are freaking awesome). If you have been eyeballing that BRAND NEW TRUCK, you might be able to afford it now. The possibilities are endless with what you can do with the money you will save. Just make sure you reward yourself for your hard work. Because I know first hand quitting tobacco products is a tricky thing to do.